2014! The year of less….and more 🙂

Those who know me will not be surprised to hear that I have a list as long of my arm of New Year’s “resolutions”. Sometimes I wonder why each year I continue to go through this exercise in biting off more than I, or anyone else, can chew. On one hand, I like to have a to do list, and a good reminder of things that I have accomplished, and things that I need to work on. Sometimes though, I feel overwhelmed and a sense of failure.

Around December 28th, Brent nonchalantly announced “I think 2014 will be the year of doing less.”

Well no kidding. Here is a short list of the 2013 highlights:
– spent January in Victoria BC and finished my MBA
– bought a laundromat (like, what??)
– bought the building next door, gutted it and renovated it from top to bottom, inside and out
– took on a major renovation at our Cumberland property
– got married

In all of this, we worked at our full time jobs, kept the businesses growing, kept the kids fed, and still managed a family vacation and a lot of time at the cottage this summer. All things considered, 2013 wasn’t a bad year. But we did find that a lot of our days started with “I have to .” We didn’t connect with each other, our children, our family or our friends as much as we should have. As much as we *wanted* to.

So, I resolve that 2014 will be different. You’ll be seeing more of me, friends. When you call me to arrange a time to get together, I will say “Sure, how’s today? Or tomorrow? Or next week?” I’ll cook you dinner or make you tea. You can come visit me, or we can go for a walk. Or a run. We can go to the movies, or for dinner, or play a card game. Whatever you want to do, just ask.

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