What is Self-Care and Why Should You Practice It? | Nadia La Russa

What is Self-Care and Why Should You Practice It?

Let’s Talk About Self-Care

I want to preface this blog post by making it clear that self-care is not the same as self-indulgence, or being selfish. Self-care is all about taking care of yourself so you can be healthy, and stay well before doing anything else.

Self-care has been a topic of discussion everywhere and it’s rightfully so because now more than ever, we all need a bit of self-care.

Self-care is part of how we cope with daily stressors, and it’s about taking steps to focus on our physical and emotional health needs. It includes everything related to staying physically healthy – which includes exercising, taking care of our personal hygiene, nutrition, and seeking medical help when needed. These are all the steps we can take to manage the stressors in our lives and take care of ourselves for our own health and well-being.

Self-care requires checking in with yourself and asking how you’re doing mentally and physically. It’s about listening to your mind and your body and giving yourself the rest you need. Self-care is different for everyone – some use it to deal with difficult news and others use it to maintain their happiness day-to-day. Self-care is not the same for everyone, and everyone has their own way to practice self-care. 

Why Practice Self-Care? 

Practicing self-care regularly can help you put your best foot forward. When we take care of ourselves regularly, we react to things better and handle situations healthier. It’s a great way to maintain a positive well-being. 

Engaging in self-care regularly can reduce or even eliminate anxiety, depression, and stress. It can improve concentration, minimize work frustration and anger and improve energy and so much more. From practicing physical self-care, it can help to reduce heart disease and other physical conditions and illnesses. By paying attention to yourself and your well-being, you are reinvigorating yourself so you can be the best version of yourself.

Different Types of Self-Care

Emotional Self-Care 

Self-talk. You read that right, talk to yourself. Ask yourself what you need and then give yourself that emotional support. Have a bubble bath, make yourself your favourite meal, take yourself to get your nails done, or read a book for pleasure. Whatever it is, there’s nothing wrong with pampering yourself. 

Another way to show yourself emotional self-care is by practicing how to say “no” when you need to. If you feel yourself getting stressed from work or other responsibilities, saying no to taking on additional tasks will help you set boundaries for yourself, and give yourself permission to take a pause, and breathe when things are getting too much. When I start to feel overwhelmed, I choose to meet up with a good friend or set up a virtual coffee date to chat and unwind. 

Physical Self-Care 

Prioritize your sleep. Sleep is so important for your body so be sure to give yourself that much-needed rest. Another way to practice physical self-care is by exercising. Adopting an exercise routine that you can stick to can help you out so much! It can be as easy as taking a walk or going for a run, or doing yoga. Choosing a healthy diet, eating healthy and picking nourishing food over processed food can also help fuel your body and your mind.

Spiritual Self-Care 

Unplug and spend time in nature. Taking some time out of your day to meditate, or write in a gratitude journal are some other simple ways to practice spiritual self-care. 

How to Start a Self-Care Routine for Yourself

  • Figure out which activities make you happy, replenish your energy and restore your balance
  • Start small by picking one thing you want to incorporate into your daily routine
  • Slowly build up to practice that one self-care activity every day of the week and see how you feel
  • Add an additional practice when you’re ready
  • Be sure to get support from loved ones, a licensed professional, or a coach

A few ideas to help you begin your self-care journey

  • Journaling 
  • Start your day by doing some breath work
  • Eat breakfast 
  • Put your phone down for 30 minutes and don’t pay attention to any notifications
  • Have a bedtime routine and stick to it

Self-care doesn’t have to be difficult. If practiced regularly, self-care can have a really positive effect on your health, but it does require you to invest in yourself. So ask yourself, are you ready?

In Health and Wellness,

Nadia La Russa

Click here to learn about how to keep your work-life balance when you work from home.

Click here to learn about how kombucha can benefit your body.

How to Achieve Work-Life-Balance as a Working Parent

How to Achieve Work-Life-Balance as a Working Parent

For a healthy and happy household, it’s essential for you to achieve work-life-balance. A lot of people ask me if it’s really possible to live a balanced life when you have kids and the answer is – yes! I’ve put together some tips for you to try out for yourself so that you can balance work, life, and parenting.

Focus on Work While You’re on the Clock

As a parent, I too am all too familiar with that constant feeling of guilt whenever I’m not with my children. However, it’s super important for you to realize and accept that it’s perfectly okay for you to not be solely focused on them during every waking moment of the day. If you’re on the clock for work, use this time to be focused on the tasks at hand.

The next time you’re at work, try not to think about any issues regarding your kids. It will be tough at first but practice makes perfect and those kids need a parent who is happy and fulfilled, both professionally and personally! If you have very young kids and can afford it, you might want to consider hiring someone (or speaking nice to an available family member) who can help handle all children-related tasks while you are at work.


No More Checking Email During Family Time

How to Achieve Work-Life-Balance as a Working Parent | Nadia La RussaThanks to the invention of smartphones, it has become increasingly easy to constantly be in the know of new work-related emails, regardless of what time of the day it is. While it might be tempting to check your email whenever you get a notification, try and remember that you’ll have plenty of time to look after it during working hours. The benefit of keeping all your thoughts and focus on work while you’re on the clock is that family time will truly become family time!

As soon as you start reading your work emails, your attention drifts away from your family and they will notice it even if they don’t say anything. Chances are, they probably also start doing their own thing and next thing you know everyone is sitting in the same room together but on their own mobile devices.

Be sure to remind yourself that family time is sacred and use it as a bonding time with your kids and spouse.

Transitioning from Working Mode to Family Time

After being at work all day, it can be difficult to leave all the unresolved issues from work at the door. A tip I like to suggest is using your commute home (whether it’s walking, driving or transit) to clear your head of all things related to work. Listen to music, take a quick nap on the train or give meditation a try!

If you have time, hit the gym for a quick workout or stop by a local coffee shop for an afternoon/evening tea or kombucha. This will invigorate your senses and remind your brain that it’s time to relax and spend quality time with the family.

Make Time for Yourself

Living a balanced life isn’t just about balancing work and family. As the head (or one of the heads) of the household, you need to do whatever is necessary for a healthy mind.

After meeting all the demands of work and family, you might find yourself feeling so tired that you want nothing more than to sleep when given any amount of free time alone. While naps are certainly great, doing other things that you enjoy will also help you feel just as balanced and happy!

What are your favourite things to do?

Need help taking control of your life? Contact me about 1-1 coaching where I can work with you to achieve that work-life-balance that you’ve always dreamed of.

Why I don't Celebrate Halloween

Why I Don’t Celebrate Halloween

Halloween is in a few days, and each year I dread it. Want to know why I don’t celebrate Halloween? The store shelves are just about buckling from the weight of chocolate bars, pumpkins and severed limbs, and hyperactive kids across North America are testing their parents’ sanity. As far as I’m concerned, Halloween is just another greedy, commercialized money-grab that teaches our kids very poor lessons.

Here are four reasons why I don’t celebrate Halloween:

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